The Struggle to Write

What a great title for the first entry in this blog, if I do say so myself.

I've always struggled with writing. I suffer from what I call 'notebook syndrome': I collect notebooks, convincing myself that 'this one will be great for magic ideas, this one will be perfect for photography ideas, and oh! This one I’ll use for writing bucket lists and whatnot!' Spoiler alert: most of my notebooks remain blank.

But when I think about it, it's kind of weird. Since 2014, I've been publishing quite a few booklets, pamphlets, and books! Yet, I've never truly enjoyed the process. It was always done in one go, even though I KNEW it should be a step-by-step, over-time endeavor. I think I've figured it out: I’m lacking a process, a routine, something that would probably help me enjoy sitting at my desk, staring at my computer, and letting my fingers on the keyboard express my thoughts.

One of my latest projects, started two years ago, is to retype, correct, and design a new, more comfortable layout for an old magic magazine from the 1930s. This is to prevent it from falling into obscurity. I release one issue per week, and on average, each issue is about 5,000 words. So, I AM writing at least 5,000 words a week. That’s not too bad. But I am not consistent. Instead of breaking it down into a daily routine, I tend to retype everything in one block, which means I don't 'enjoy' the process as it feels pressurized.

And I truly don’t know why I don’t enjoy the writing process. On paper, it sounds almost relaxing: sitting down, maybe sipping on a cup of coffee, letting your mind wander, and letting your fingers translate your thoughts through a keyboard. Ok, I might be romanticizing this a bit.

So, a blog. I feel like a blog could help me make writing a habit. I’ll be honest, though: I have no idea where I’m going with this. Maybe someday I’ll tell you about my travels, share a funny anecdote, describe a photoshoot, or talk about a new magic show or mentalism act I’m working on... WHO KNOWS? But hopefully, you’ll find it interesting and it will help me learn discipline in 'being an organized author'.

If you are an author and follow a specific structure, method, or routine, please feel free to share it with me!

Until next time, Au Revoir !


Minimalistic Magic